Stokvis Tapes
The annual MotoSolutions Forum is a highly appreciated automotive industry event. Since 2010, the Forum has been predominantly aimed at managers and middle management from manufacturing facilities (vehicle manufacturers, suppliers).

Over two days of speeches and many informal talks, our guest manager‑practitioners will present the most effective practices and strategies used at their companies.

We primarily extend our invitation to participate in the Forum to:
  • managers and heads of production, logistics and quality;
  • people responsible for purchase departments;
  • heads of maintenance;
  • project managers.
This year’s 10th edition of the MotoSolutions Forum will be accompanied by an exhibition where manufacturers and non‑production companies will present a wide range of products and services that managers need to efficiently organize business.

The Forum does not comprise only presentations and exhibitions. It also involves tens of back‑room meetings and talks that, in addition to integrating the community, result in many business advantages each year. Traditionally, at the end of the first day, the participants will take part in a banquet which, on the one hand, provides the opportunity to meet new people or exchange opinions, and, on the other hand, constitutes great entertainment.

During the Forum, the formal ceremony of the Polish Automotive Industry Awards will take place, which are distinctions awarded by, an analytics company and the organizer of the Forum.

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